Our Offers
- New products
- Abig
- Archie's Calligraphy
- C.Kreul
- Canson
- Cernit
- Chameleon
- Charbonnel
- Clairefontaine
- Conda
- Creartec
- Createx
- Cretacolor
- Daler-Rowney
- Darwi
- Daylight, UK
- Diakakis Imports
- Dupon
- Essdee
- Harder&Steenbeck
- Ideen
- Jolly
- Koh-i-noor
- Kolibri
- Kreska
- Kuretake
- Leniar
- Maimeri
- Manuscript
- Montana
- Nevskaya Palitra
- R.G.M. Italija
- Sculpey
- Senjo - Color
- Smiltainis
- TEB Barcelona
- The Clay and Paint Factory
- Western Industrial Group
- Suppliers
- Gift ideas
Fine art
Oil paints
- Georgian water mixable oil 37 ml Daler Rowney
- Georgian water mixable oil 200 ml Daler Rowney
- Oil paints Sonet 46 ml
- Oil paints Master Class 46 ml
- Oil paints ROSA Gallery 45 ml
- Oil paints ROSA Gallery 100 ml
- Oil paints Ladoga 46ml
- Oil paint ROSA Studio 45ml / 60ml
- Oil paints Ladoga 120 ml
- Oil paints Maimeri Classico 60 ml
- Oil paints Daler Rowney Graduate 200 ml
- Oil paints Maimeri Classico 200 ml
- Oil paints 490ml / 500 ml
- Oil paint sets
Acrylic paints
- Acrylic DECO mat paint ROSA 20ml
- Rosa Talent Pearl Acrylic colours 20 ml
- Rosa Studio Metallic Acrylic colours 20 ml
- Acrylic paint Maimeri Polycolor 20 ml
- Acrylic paint ROSA Gallery 60 ml
- Acrylic paints ROSA Studio 75 ml
- Acrylic paint Maimeri Acrilico 75 ml
- Fluorescent acrylic paint
- Acrylic paints ROSA Studio 200 ml in soft-pack
- Acrylic paint Maimeri Acrilico 200 ml
- Acrylic paint ROSA Studio 400 ml
- Acrylic paint ROSA Studio 1000 ml
- Acrylic paint Maimeri Acrilico 500 ml / 1000ml
- Acrylic paint Rainbow 500 ml
- Acrylic paint Simply Daler Rowney 750 ml
- Hobby Acryl GHIANT spray 150ml
- Acrylic paint sets
- SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic paints 750 ml
- Watercolour paints
- Gouache Paints
Airbrushing paint
- Dažai Tatoo Senjo-color 15 ml / 75ml / 150 ml
- Pro-color Body paints 30 ml / Senjo Basic Body paint 75ml
- Pro-color 30 ml
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, transparent
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Opaque
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Pearl
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Fluorescent
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Iridescent
- Airbrush colors Createx 120 ml
Oil paints
- Painting accessories
- Canvas/ stretched canvas / canvas panel / painting by numbers and outline
- Easels & Boxes / Drying racks
Synthetic brushes
- Synthetic bruches Kolibri 888, round, short handles
- Synthetic bruches Kolibri 8805, round, short handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 1009 angled shape, flat, long handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 8009 round, long handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 7008 flat, short handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 7009 flat, long handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 1709, filbert, long handles
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 7108 comb, short handles
- Synthetic hair brush Kolibri 900 flat
- Synthetic brushes Kolibri 526NY, sword shaped, long handles
- Synthetic fan brushes Kolibri 1308, short handles
- Synthetic hair Travel Brush Rosa 158
- Synthetic brushes Conda 10166 / Rosa1368R round, short handles
- Synthetic brushes Conda 10167, Rosa1368FR flat, filbert, short handles
- Synthetic brushes Conda 10163 / Rosa 1368A angular shape
- Synthetic brushes Rosa 1668F flat, long handles
- Synthetic brushes Rosa 1023RL long hair, round, short handles
- Synthetic brushes Fantasy Series 4
- Synthetic brushes Fantasy Series 14
- Synthetic brushes Fantasy Series 16
- Synthetic hair school brushes Rosa RK
Natural hair brushes
- Bruches Kolibri 24 squirrel hair, round, short handles
- Bruches Kolibri 98 sable hair, round, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 788N sable hair, flat, shot handles
- Brushes Kolibri 799 sable hair, flat, long handles
- Brushes Kolibri 742 ox ear hair, flat, long handles
- Brushes Kolibri 1605 ox hair, rounded for ceramics
- Brushes Kolibri 333 sable hair, rounded, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 1220 squirrel hair, handmade, rounded
- Brushes Kolibri 798 sable hair, flat, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 526 squirrel hair, ceder imitated short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 1014 mixed hair, flat, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 719 pony hair, flat, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 1018 mixed hair, flat for silk painting
- School brushes 701 pony hair, round
- School brushes Kolibri 12, pony hair, round, short handle
- Brushes Kolibri 1110 mixed hair, round, short handles
- Brushes Kolibri 218 natural hair mixture,round, short handles
- Natural hair imitation brushes
Bristle brushes
- Brushes Kolibri 3212 flat, round, long handles
- Bristle brushes Kolibri 2119, round, long handles
- Bristle brushes Kolibri 2012 flat, long handles
- Bristle school brushes Kolibri 2001, flat, short handles
- Kolibri 3800 overgreiner, wide, short handles
- Bristle brushes Kolibri 3018 fan shape, short handles
- Bristle brushes Kolibri 2940 flat, wide, short handles
- Bristle brushes Kolibri 2940 flat, wide
- Bristle school brushes Kolibri 2000 flat, long handles
- Bristle school brushes 134, flat, short handles
- School bristle brushes Conda 57, flat, long handles
- Bristle brushes Conda 10019 rounded, long handles
- Kuretake Brush H2O Long
- Make up brushes
- Chinese calligraphy brushes
- Sea sponges
- Brush sets
- Other
Synthetic brushes
- Painting palette knives
- Pastels
- Graphic art supplies
- Gypsum figures
- Airbrushes/ sets
- Airbrush compressors
Airbrush paints
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, transparent
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Opaque
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Pearl
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Fluorescent
- Airbrush colors Createx 60ml, Iridescent
- Airbrush colors Createx 120ml, Opaque
- Paints Tatoo Senjo-color 15 ml / 75ml / 150 ml
- Airbrush paints Pro-color 30 ml, Bodypaints / Senjo Basic Body paint 75ml
- Accessories
- Spare parts for airbrushes
- Brushes for airbrushing
- Medium for airbrushing
Paper / Cardboard / Felt / Foam rubber / Scraperboards
- Paper for watercolor, acrylic and oil painting, printing making paper
- Cardboard
Coloured paper
- Coloured paper A4 (210x297), 80 gr/m2
- Coloured cardboard A4 (210x297), 160 gr/m2
- Coloured cardboard A4 (210x297),170 gr/m2
- Coloured textured paper A4 (210x297),160 gr/m2
- Coloured paper board A3 (297x420),170 gr/m2
- Coloured textured paper 50x65 cm, 160 gr/m2
- Coloured paper 50x70cm, 130 gr/m2
- Coloured cardboard 50x70 cm, 300 gr/m2
- Coloured paper 70x100 cm, 130 gr/m2
- Coloured, textured cardboard 70x100 cm, 220 gr/m2
Decorative paper
- Decorative, metallic paper A4 (210x297), 120 gr/m2
- Decorative cardboard A4 gold, silver
- Decorative tracing paper A4 (210x297), 100 gr/m2
- Decorative cardboard with marble texture A4, 200 gr/m2
- Decorative paper with marble texture, 220g/m2 23x33
- Textured cardboard for business cards A4 (210x297), 246 gr/m2
- Cardboard Struktura Pearl2 220gr/m2, 50x70cm
- Cardboard Struktura Basic2, 220gr/m2, 50x70cm
- Crepe paper 0,5 x2 m
- Corrugated, coloured cardboard 50x70 cm
- Rice paper
- Rice paper roll
- Japanese tissue paper 19g/m2 46x68cm, white
- Mulberry paper 50x70cm, 25gr/m2
- Elephant hide A4 125g/m2 / 50x70cm, 110g/m2
- Decorative paper A4, 110 gr/m2, '' Elephant hide''
- Marble cardboard 250g/m2, 50x70cm
- Transparent Spider paper 42g/m2, A4
- Decorative paper, like velour 130g/m2, 25x35cm
- Decorative paper, like velour 70x100, 400g/m2
- Decorative paper 23x33cm, 230g/m2, Shining paper
- Decorative mirror cardboard 49,5x68 cm
- Decorative Highlight gold paper 215g/m2, 23x33cm
- Decorative Highlight silver paper 215g/m2, 23x33cm
- Decorative Starlight paper 200g/m2, 50x70cm
- Various
- Self-adhesive, coloured paper
- Foam rubber 20x30cm / 60x70cm
- Scraperboard
- Viscose handicraft felt 150g/m2, 20x30cm
- Albums
- Various
- Various art supplements
Markers Kuretake / Triton acrylic / Darwi acrylic / Chameleon / Various
- Fineliners
- Kuretake Zig Mangaka fineliners
- Kurecolor KC-3000 double-ended markers
- Brush markers Zig Art & Graphic Twin
- Calligraphy marker Kuretake ZIG Calligraphy Twin
- SOLO GOYA Triton 1,4 mm / Darwi 3mm/ Zieler 0,7 mm Acrylic Paint Markers
- SOLO GOYA Triton 15mm / Darwi 15 mm
- Chameleon markers
- Kreul Chalk marker
- Montana Acrylic Paint Markers
- Markers set
- Įvairūs markeriai
- Easels Daylight lamps / Light Daylight boxes / Artograph projector
- Drawing equipment
- Art books
- Frame / picture hanging systems
Hobby art
- Silk art
Textile art
- Acrylic paint for textil Rosa Talent 20 ml
- Javana textile paints Textil Sunny 20 ml
- Javana textile paints Textil Flash 20 ml
- Javana textile paints Textil Opak 20 ml
- Textile paints Maimeri Idea Stoffa 60 ml
- Javana textile paints Batik Textile 70 gr
- Textile markers
- Textile tattoo
- Fabric Paint Sets
- Textile
- Other
- Fabric Block Printing water based Essdee 150 ml
Glass / porcelain / ceramic art
- Glass paints Idea Vetro 60 ml
- Relief glass paints Idea Vetro 20 ml
- Porcelain paints Porcelain brillant 160 C
- Porcelain paints Porcelain metallic 160 C
- Outlining paints Porcelain Liner 160 C
- Glass markers Glass Color Pen 29 ml
- Porcelain markers Porcelain Pen brillant 160 C
- Porcelain markers Porcelain+Glass Pen glitter
- Porcelain markers Glass Porcelain Pen calligraphy 160 C
- Glass / porcelain / ceramic products
- Leather art
Tools and paints with special characteristics
- Perlen Pen PEARL MAKER 29ml
- Hoby Line Foto Transfer Potch technique
- Modelling paste Maimeri Polycolor Body 140 ml
- Modelling paste Maimeri Idea medium 125 ml
- Texture pasta ROSA Gallery 280 ml
- Marble paints
- Maimeri Idea Patina 60 ml
- Maimeri Idea Metallici 60 ml
- Maimeri Idea Glitter 60 ml
- Maimeri metal powder 60 ml
- Fluorescent / neon paints Maimeri 75ml / 200ml
- Silcon NV silicone rubber forming paste 500g
- Sea sponges
- Wool / felting supplies
- Creative accessories
- Decorative hole punchers/ paper cutters
- Gilding
- Decoupage
- Calligraphy / stamps
- Chinese calligraphy
- Modeling clay / plastilina / sculpturing tools
- Montana graffiti paints
- Body art / Tattoo
- Kids art supplies
- Office and school products